Seduction of Self Destruction Exhibition Statement
“Seduction of Self Destruction” is a visualization of the mental image.
Human nature is inherently masochistic. At our absolute worst, the quiet inclination to relish in suffering contradicts normal ideals of contentment. Rock bottom is often where we find ourselves entirely transfixed. Self-destruction is the ever present temptress.
These (somewhat) absent-minded thoughts call attention to the true duplicity of the mind. Unheard ideations often remain silenced with good reason. As composure (or the illusion of) often becomes a necessary component in upholding social order, discord between facets of the inner self and societal demand for a presentational outer self is multiplied within the black existence. To be black is often to be on display. In the spirit of pride and self-preservation alike, the emphasis of public politesse is frequently integral to the ethnic upbringing. The heavy implication of the necessity to always be "on" in the watchful eyes of the surrounding world creates further dissociation from this seemingly "other", internal self. The separation from the outer self becomes even more drastic, even more indulgent in the ongoing narration of everyday experiences and interactions.
In exploration of the internal monologue, seductive portraiture depicts figures through a lens of self-sight. These emotional realities hinge on everyday existence, presenting chaotic imagery against a backdrop of commonplace. Visualization of these third-person narrations present an intimate view of inner turmoil, creating a voyeuristic relationship between the subject and viewer; exploring emotionality through perspectives and cultural settings familiar to the Black experience.
You make music to change
the radio, not for the radio. - Future