Scorched Petals to Pages Statement


Scorched Petals to Pages explores literature's role in shaping creative practice, image making, and society at large. Some of mankind’s most famous artworks are depictions of literary works. From William Shakespeare’s sonnets, classical Japanese literature, and religious texts, this medium has been utilized to convey the complexities of the human experiences, spread propaganda, and/or aid in the enhancement of brave storytelling from those unafraid to use their voice for change. This exhibition illustrates how contemporary artists are administering these influences in their own practices. 

The title
Scorched Petals to Pages was inspired by exhibiting artist’s Thiang Uk’s Flowers for Burmese Poets painting series which shows reverence to the work being done by poets and writers in his home country of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). The spirit in which these works were created acknowledges the fire and passion it takes for writers and other artists to compose in the face of censorship, imprisonment, exile, or even death. Even when faced with such risks, we find these writers setting hearts ablaze, igniting a willingness within the people to resist and challenge power structures. 

Although not all writers’ work is as controversial, literature’s ability to avoid fading into a disappearing ethos showcases its lasting effect, which is just as impactful. Kyujin Lee’s work features recognizable, storybook characters whose historic anecdotes have continued to resonate with audiences for over a century after their original publication date. Today, stories such as The Little Mermaid and Pinocchio are used to make sense of our existence, emphasizing the causes of desire, traumas, and one’s sense of self.

Similarly, sandesha kavya, an ancient genre of South Asian poetry, inspired Madyha J. Leghari’s video installation. This multimedia piece gives viewers the opportunity to become an active participant and choose the path of a woman in exile yearning to make sense of her displacement. Leghari’s work provides observers a physical interaction that questions both humanity and our connectivity with nature.

Each work featured in Scorched Petals to Pages adds levels of engagement, access, and understanding to complicated, literary narratives that seek to deconstruct and explain our existence. The perplexing questions in this exhibition are artifacts of life, spanning thousands of years with no clear solution. However, it is through the power of storytelling that we are able to gain insight that leads us closer to finding our answers. This underscores why art, in all its forms, is perpetually at the forefront of change.

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